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Sunday 21 July 2013

Archeologists in Israel uncovered King David's Palace of Kingdom of Judea

The Israel Antiquities Authorities on 18 July 2013 announced that during a joint excavation programme led by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, two of the largest structures from the Kingdom of Judea was uncovered. Kingdom of Judah was a state established during the iron age in the Southern Levant. 

The two structures have been identified as the Palace of the King David and the a large storage structure of the Kingdom, by the researchers namely Prof. Yossi Garfinkel and Saar Ganor. The uncovered structures presents the evidence of the state of the building and administrative organisation, during the reign of King David and his central authority in Judah. The results of seven year long, excavation will also help the researchers in developing an understanding of the origins of the Kingdom of Judah. 

As per the archeologists, there exists the probability that the site (named Khirbet Qeiyafa) was destroyed in the battle against the Philistines in 980 BC.


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