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Wednesday 5 June 2013

World Environment Day was observed on 5 June 2013

5 June 2013: World Environment Day
World Environment Day was observed on 5 June 2013. The theme for the year 2013 was Think, Eat, Save Reduce Your Foodprint. It aims at an anti-food wastage and loss campaign to encourage people to reduce their foodprint. It also calls for more awareness about the environmental impact of the food choices people make and empowers them to make informed decisions.
The theme Think, Eat Save Reduce your Foodprint is aimed at encouraging everyone to reduce the wastage of food by becoming more aware of the environmental impacts of food waste. According to the United Nation’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, FAO, every year 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted. This enormous wastage of food results in devastating effects on natural resources and effects the environment adversely.
World Environment Day is held each year on 5 June. Through this day, United Nations (UN) stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action.
World Environment Day was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, resulted into the creation of UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme). It is hosted every year by a different city.


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